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Open Company : Towards a new evolution ? Concept, Examples (aka Entreprise ouverte, Entreprise Libre)

Open organization/Open company : a new model of organization ?

mercredi 16 mars 2005, par DlyNouille

Here is an interesting concept such as an Open Company, possible future evolution of a what might be a sustainable company ??? Will see. In the meantime, I am collecting all links related to the concept of Open Company.

The Open Company

- What is an Open Company ??? Check the Open Company Manifesto : This article explains the advantages to be an "open company"

- Open Company specifications Forum (forum not very active at the moment with questions and thoughts on Open Company)
- Open Company specifications Blog

- P. Laferriere’s Blog : Entrepreneur which might consider creating an "open company" :

- Jotspot, an open company ? :
"Is Jotspot an open company ?"
- J.Nolen’s Blog on Open Company (Open Company test) - Other link on J.Nolen
- "Openess" and company on Bnoopy
- Fred’s Blog on Open Company : Thoughts on Open Company (Just one article at the moment)

- Article "Open Companies More Important than Open Source"

- XWiki on Open Company

- Inc.com, a poll on Open Company (with employees only) in 1993

Open Organization
More largely, there is the concept of open organization
- Open Organizations : Ideas and concept.
- Open Organization at Open Coop
- Coop Tools : tools for Coop organization (dotmocracy)

Links in German
Saxess Company on Open Company - PDF File on Saxess Open Company

Other resources

- Examples ? Easter Eggs an open company (libre company)

- University of OpenNess

- Book "The Naked Corporation" by David Ticoll, Don Tapscott

Links in French
- Easter Eggs Blog
- RedRes’ Blog on his Open Company (Entreprise ouverte)
- Reseau Libre Entreprise : Portal to a network of "open companies" ?
- Entrouvert

- Ludo’s Blog on Entreprise Ouverte (juste une note)

Cela nous amene sur d’autres sujets comme les weblogs d’entreprise, outil de transparence, de communication interne et externe.

entreprise libre - entreprise ouverte - open company - naked company